Av (July 17, 2015) The Molad for Av is Thursday, July 16th at 3:39 pm and 7 chalakim. Rosh Hodesh Av is Thursday evening, July 16th and Friday July 17th. The Fast of Tisha B’Av is on Saturday night July 25th and Sunday July 26th. The 9th of Av itself, falls out on Shabbat July 25th, and therefore the fast is […]
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Welcome to Penticon’s Jewish Calendar Blog. Penticon developed Luach, a Jewish Calendar application for the Palm organizer in 1998. In 2014, we released Luach for the iPhone and iPad. Over the years, we have learned a lot about the workings of the Jewish Calendar. It has been fascinating to learn about the Jewish Calendar, and […]
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